Symbion Matchmaking

Join us at Symbion on the 12th of March as we build bridges between Danish companies and talents in and out of Denmark from over 120 countries.



If you want to expand your talent pipeline, our match date is a great way to increase awareness of your employer brand and meet highly qualified international young professionals.

Join us at Symbion on the 12th of March 2020 as we build bridges between Danish companies and talents in and out of Denmark from over 120 countries. In just one day you can meet 2-20 shortlisted candidates from all parts of Denmark including eight Danish universities, as well as meet other CEO’s, HR VP’s and talent acquisition specialists that will facilitate sessions on staffing, recruiting, and talent management solutions to help companies and candidates grow and prosper.

The Match-Date will provide a great setting for building a strong employer value proposition for your company and for attracting some of the most talented international postgraduate students, talents suited for Junior, Mid-level and Senior positions in and out of Denmark.


  • 08:30 - 09:00
    Company setup
  • 09:00 - 09:30
    Company breakfast
  • 09:30 - 10:00
    Arrival and Registration
    Grab your name tag and something to drink
  • 10:00 - 10:30
    Opening Remarks & Welcome to Symbion
  • 10:30 - 10:55
    Presentation of all companies
    Company representatives will each give a short 2 minute presentation about their startup, giving an overview of what they do, providing details of the open vacancies and short description of what they are looking for in their new colleague.
  • 11:00 - 12:00
    First matchmaking session
    Between each mini-interview session, there will be a 4-minute break, for you to gather your thoughts. A detailed time schedule will be provided in advance
  • 12:00 - 12:45
    Lunch Break
  • 12:45 - 13:45
    Second matchmaking session
    Between each mini-interview session, there will be a 4-minute break, for you to gather your thoughts. A detailed time schedule will be provided in advance
  • 13:45 - 14:00
    Wrap up the last interview & break
    Wrap up your last interview and grab something to eat before the open networking session starts
  • 14:00 - 14:30
    Networking session
    Your chance to talk to the companies you did not get to meet through the matchmaking sessions. Light snacks will be served

Choose your application

Internal company

Are you a company within one of Symbions five co-working spaces and are you looking for new members to join your tribe?

At the 12th of March 2020 Symbion are hosting the talent matchmaking event where you have the possibility to network and maybe meet you future employee.

We have teamed up with Copenhagen Capacity, Københavns Erhvervshus, AIESEC, Københavns Kommune and Copenhagen Science City to find the exact profile you have been looking for to your company.

External company

Are you not yet a company within one of Symbion’s five locations but still looking for talented people within the field of IT, Engineering, Sales, Marketing along with others? Then apply to pitch your available positions to over 100 candidates.

Our team of talent acquisition specialists are looking forward to recruiting the best talents in Denmark for your positions.


Are you looking for a full or part-time job, or maybe an internship, apply to participate in the Symbion matchmaking event!

Let our specialists help you screen your CV with tips on how to make your profile more attractive for the right companies. During the Match-Date, you will have the opportunity to meet CEO’s, HR VP’s and talent acquisition specialists that will facilitate sessions on different interesting topics!