Board of Directors and shareholders

Symbion is a private company – owned by the Symbion Foundation, University of Copenhagen, CBS and a number of private shareholders.


  • Symbion Fonden
  • Københavns Universitet
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Nordea Bank Denmark A/S
  • Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond
  • Magistrenes Pensionskasse


Board of Directors

  • Jørgen Bardenfleth (chairman), former CEO at Microsoft Denmark
  • Jesper Olesen (Vice President), University Director at the University of Copenhagen
  • Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Rector of CBS
  • Peter Buhl Jensen, former CEO at TopoTarget (Onxeo)
  • Chico Sandbeck, CEO at Sandbeck A / S
  • Astrid Haug, CEO at Astrid Haug Bureau
  • Jon Bille, Head of Technology Development & Data Science at Wunderman Nordic